Connecticut Department of Transportation Bidders List Questionnaire

In accordance with Title 49, Section 26.11 of the Code of Federal Regulations, the following bidders list information for all DBE and non-DBEs who bid as subcontractors (in addition to prime contractors) must be collected by the Connecticut Department of Transportation on federally assisted contracts.
This information will be used for USDOT reporting only.
Effective XX/XX/XXXX
[49 CFR 26.11]:

Upload a file with your information*

An Excel spreadsheet template is provided when you select the “Upload a File” option. The Excel template is CTDOT’s preferred method of receiving your information. However, if the Excel file doesn’t work for you, you can select “Fill Out this Form” and manually enter information directly into the form. Note you will have to submit separate forms for each firm: one for yourself (the prime contractor) and one for each sub who quoted to you on this bid.

Form Filler Email Address *
Please download and save a copy of the file linked below, type in data for all the firms you're reporting on and then upload the file here. *
